Formação e desenvolvimento das redes de cervejarias artesanais no Vale do Itajaí


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this study is to demonstrate how the artisanal breweries were formed and developed in Vale do Itajaí, by having the city of Blumenau, more specifically, Oktoberfest as their boosters. It is known that the city of Blumenau has already had initiatives in the field and breweries with technology brought by German immigrants, which might have been implemented in order to re-create the environment of their mother land. Besides, the field has passed through a long numbness period that marked the industrial development of Blumenau and of Vale do Itajaí. Therefore, the developmental model based on the industrial activity produced a social and cultural scenario that would suffer a severe strike in the beginning of the 90s, when the Brazilian market was open, drastically decreasing the fare barrier to the entrance of products of external competitors. In what followed, a new developmental relation with the region was formed, focusing on the diversification of the economical activity and on the growing of the service sector as well as medium and small companies, despite the fact that the textile industry remained the main economic activity. With this new relation, as the search for capital for a new positioning, having Oktoberfest and the German culture as a backdrop, there was the advent of artisanal breweries in the city of Timbó and then Blumenau from the year 2000 on. After that, Brusque, Indaial, Pomerode and Gaspar also entered this circuit. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate how these breweries were formed and the effects of this activity in the market and vice-versa


colonização cultura germânica cervejarias artesanais desenvolvimento regional engenharias cervejarias - blumenau (sc) colonization german culture artisanal breweries regional development

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