Formação docente e inovações tecnológicas de informação e comunicação: um estudo do curso de Administração / Teacher Graduation and tecnology inovation of information and comunication: a case os study in the administration course


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this thesis was to identify and analyze teacher formation on administration course and the use he makes of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) to form the professional administrator, in a scenario marked by uncertainty, and the continued growth of competitiveness and requirements. It is known that teachers who teach the course have the function of enabling these professionals to the labor market, thus this thesis set out to identify what is needed for faculty teaching in the course of administration, in this society full of technology and prepare students for the new demands. This is the question that motivates the existence of this investigation, which involved teachers with varying ages, and students attending the seventh semester of this course, all of a particular institution of higher education, located in the city of Presidente Prudente, upstate São Paulo. The methodology used was a qualitative approach, using the case study method as a driver and the interview as an instrument for data collection and content analysis. The results showed that technological development has brought new requirements to enter and stay in teaching the course of administration, and the desired profile of teacher that our time requires as: never stop studying and learning, pedagogical and didactic knowing; have experience in research, market and classroom; hold teach skills and specific to the teaching in administration course; watch for anything that arises again, as well as the application forms of ICT in order to contribute to the process teaching and learning and assist in the construction of knowledge both inside and outside the classroom.


formação docente docente de administração ensino superior tic. teacher formation administration teacher higher education. ict. educacao

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