Formação didático-pedagógica dos docentes do curso de graduação em fisioterapia da UESB.




The teacher training is object of analysis and reflections of several investigations and theoretic contributions. The health courses, especially physiotherapy course, need qualified engagement professors with educational practices. Thereby, this dissertation proposed to analyze didactics-pedagogical formation of professors in the physiotherapy graduation course of State University South-west of Bahia (UESB), based on professor-selfs conception, to comprehend the main difficulty and limitation that they confront with teaching practice. The work characterizes as case study, with qualitative approach and ethnomethodology bases, utilizing focal group techniques and individual interview for datas collect. For datas analyze was used content analysis of hermeneutic base, and application of analytical categories. The categories identify were: conceptions about teacher training; difficulties in teacher practice; necessity of teacher training; and responsibility for teacher training. Was evidenced that the subjects understand the teachers work as a new profession and identify the teaching knowledge like fundamental on educational practices. Indicate as main difficulties, confront in higher education training, the didactics, the student evaluation and pedagogical planning. Account and emphasize them necessities for teacher training, indicating spaces as the graduate education, improvement courses and the offering of optional disciplines in physiotherapy course orientate to teaching, that be able of develop them training necessities. Pointed the institutions as coresponsible for teacher training, being the subject the most responsible by him emancipation training. Apprehend, so, that the physiotherapy professors resist in them limitations and search for means to the responsible and ethical teachers work.


university teacher training currículo physiotherapy course fisioterapia educacao formação docente universitária

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