Formação de simbolos e queixa de baixo rendimento escolar infantil : a visão psicanalitica de Winnicott / Symbol formation and the complaint of infant poor school performance : the psychoanalytical view of Winnicott




This paper aims at showing, through a fragment of a clinical case, that primitive emotional experiences of the baby/mother bonds are reflected in the constitution of a child s psychism and symbol formation process, interfere in the child s school performance and are experiences which can, in psychoanalytical psychotherapy, be elaborated through playing. The research is a study of a clinical case of a child being given psychoanalytical assistance, based on Winnicott s theoretical conception of primitive emotional development. In psychoanalytical therapy process, the primitive emotional experiences of the mother/baby relationships of the patient in the therapeutic bond were elaborated, which enabled the egoic integration and the experience of the patient s self, verbal communication, development of creativity, capacity to play and capacity to deal with transitionality - essential elements in the process of symbol formation - resulting in the improvement of the child s school performance and guiding him/her into resuming his/her emotional development. The conclusion is that, through the technique of playing, in the light of Winnicott s view, psychoanalytical psychotherapy has enabled the correction of environment failure experiences gone through by the patient at the beginning of his/her emotional life and the elaboration of the child s primitive emotional experiences which paralysed or inhibited the establishment of the process of symbols formation and interfered in his/her school performance


mother-child relations ego simbolismo poor school performance baixo rendimento escolar desenvolvimento infantil educational psychology infant development symbolism relações mães-filho psychoanalysis psicologia educacional ego psicanalise

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