Formação de professores para o uso das tecnologias digitais: um estudo junto aos núcleos de tecnologia educacional do estado Santa Catarina




In this dissertation we conducted a research of education of teachers for the use of digital technologies developed in the Nuclei of Educational Technology (NTE) of the State of Santa Catarina. Thus, we developed two actions: a) analysis of the academic production between years 2000 to 2008, theses and dissertations on the National Program for Information Technology in Education, specifically on the training offered in the NTE and the infrastructure available for this work, b) survey with multiplier educators that working in the thirty four NTE of the State of Santa Catarina, looking for investigate their educational degree, expectations and perspectives on their work and methodology for the conduct of educational courses for teachers to development skills in use of digital technologies. The data revealed that: a) much has been done, but there is still much to be done in the discussion and implementation of public policies that seek the effective integration of digital technologies at schools, b) As education of multiplier educators as the teachers must be within a context that in addition to the use of machine learning, pedagogically discuss the effective integration of various media within the school and its practice, c) there is a needing for discussion about the emergence of structural and curricular changes at scholar institutions with the introduction of digital technologies


formação de professores proinfo information society núcleos de tecnologia educacional digital technologies tecnologias digitais multiplier educators tecnologia educacional professores formação nuclei of educational technology sociedade da informação educacao multiplicadores education of teachers

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