Formação de professores à luz da história e cultura afro-brasileira e africana: nova tendência, novos desafios para uma prática reflexiva / Constitution of professors at Afro-Brazilian and African culture: new tendencies, new challenges for a reflexive practice




The present work has as its main theme the training of teachers in the light of Afro-American and African history and culture. The question addressed here regards the theoretical and methodological contribution of contents and activities in the training of reflexive teachers, and in their equipping, qualification, and foundation to achieve a didactic transmission of contents, with a view to the adequate pedagogic treatment of racial issues in the schoolroom. For this research, the initiative developed by the Plural School course is analyzed: The diversity is in the classroom, administered by Ceafro Education and Professionalization for Racial and Gender Equality together with Salvadors Municipal Education Secretary. Its treated as a qualitative study, in which case studies with characteristics of the educative autobiography together with to documented sources are being done with six teachers of the Municipal Network, of whom three of them had participated in the course and the others did not. Such a choice of subjects was made so that we may consider that this allows us to engage in discussion/comparative analysis of the possible real impact of formation in the docents practice. As well as these participants, there are three accounts of Ceafro`s trainees that helped in the understanding of the training process from the conception to the initiation. We emphasize at the analysis the contributions of authors who dedicate themselves to the study of racial issues in Brazil such as Petronilha Beatriz Gonçalves e Silva, Kabengele Munanga, Eliane Cavalleiro, Nilma Lino Gomes, Carlos Hasenbalg, among others -, as well as those who contributed to the studies in teachers training and understanding of the concept of reflexive teacher such as Perrenoud, Carlos Libâneo, Zeichner, Donald Schön, Antônio Nóvoa e Contreras -, and finally, those who dedicated themselves to the elucidation of the concept of didactic transposition, such as Chevallard. From the analysis of data, and considering the three categories of subjects in this study, it was possible to point to some important aspects highlighted by them such as: the recognition of the existence of racism in Brazil and the school as a privileged space for its manifestation; existence of gaps in the training of teachers, that shows the importance of a consistent training on this theme; the difficulties in the treatment of religious questions; the importance of the work with the identity as conduit for trainng; research and reflection as strategies; and the problems of the discontinuation of teacher training in the school environment, among others.


afro-american and african history and culture reflexive practice prática reflexiva formação de professores didactic transposition transposição didática história e cultura afro-brasileira e africana teachers formation

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