Formação de leitores: a contação de histórias




The aim of this research was to investigate concepts of literature and consequent practices related to reading that were observed following the implementation of the ContArte extension project in a Public School in the Municipality of Itajaí, SC, in the initial grades of primary education, seeking to determine how the project has contributed to forming readers. ContArte is a project to encourage readers, which involves four main areas of activity: a) story-telling, b) reading round, c) reading workshop and d) teacher training. All these actions were the target of this research. The materials used for the data collection were: a) questionnaires applied to the students from the 1st to the 4th year of initial grades; b) semistructured interviews with teachers; c) reading of reports written by the workshop leaders; d) films that form part of the archive of records of ContArte, of the story-telling sessions with the groups of the 1st to 4th years of initial grades, afternoon period. The subjects of this research were six teachers of the 1st to 4th years, and their pupils. The data for this research were collected during the afternoons, investigating a total of six groups. The focus was to analyze whether at the end of the ContArte project, the teachers, and their pupils, were able to use literature as an aesthetic object, making literature accessible to the pupils in an enjoyable way. Based on the data collection, an increase was seen in the number of books read by the pupils, and the teachers gained a new awareness when they read the books aloud to the children, understanding the movement in order to form readers. This research is relevant for education, and through it, we make some proposal on the methodology of enjoyable literature in the classroom, contributing to programs to form readers, as well as being relevant for teacher training programs. This project is part of the Line of Research: Creative Process and Aesthetic Education, and comes under the Area of Research: Human Development and Learning Processes of the Masters Degree in Education of Univali


contação de histórias enjoyable literature aesthetic education literatura fruitiva formação estética educacao story-telling

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