Formação continuada de professores em programa de informática educativa: o diálogo possível revelado na pós-formação / Teacher continuous training in an educational information technology program: the possible dialogue revealed in post-graduation.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The continuous training of teachers can be analyzed under different perspectives. This investigation discussed issues related to the post-training impact of an educational information technology program. Its goal consisted of identifying transformations in the teaching practice and in the interactions established among teacher pairs in a continuous training course for the use of digital information and communication technology from the participants perspective. Variables responsible for the training course sustainability and permanence rates once their coordinators had left were studied. The research was carried out with Primary School teachers of the Paraiba state network, and the partnership of the Peer Coaching Program participants. The research was developed through the analysis of questionnaires and interviews on the continuity of the use of digital technologies in teaching-learning strategies through the work of teacher pairs and dialogic learning. The main characteristics of this teaching network and their teachers were also analyzed as an array of data collected in pre and post- training. The application of a new questionnaire three years after the end of the works was also planned. Its indicators were analyzed relating training goals with sustainability criteria. Results revealed that the program proved to be more efficient in the development of personal skills related to the use of technologies, boosting the careers of many participants. The need to improve and optimize the knowledge required by teachers with regards to the use of digital vocabulary in pedagogical practical lessons in the classroom and the need to create dialogue opportunities institutionally articulated between teachers in the promotion of interdisciplinary educational projects with the students were also remarked. Such results also suggested the need to invest in technological support infrastructure with a pedagogic aim. All variables analyzed demonstrate that any teacher training project requires the strategic support of the teaching institution, a medium and long term public policy for educational development and adequate infrastructure, seeking that the implemented program can be sustainable.


aprender em parceria aprendizagem dialógica dialogic learning educational information technology informática educativa learning in partnership pairs professores-pares

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