Formação continuada de professores : dos (des)caminhos dos orgãos colegiados de participação, as instancias de gestão das politicas publicas / The lifelong teachers development : the ways of the collegiate agencies of participation, to the instances of managment of the public policies




The coexistence in groups of people, from the constitution of individuals in relation to each other - living with times that are considered the possibilities of collective decisions to preserve this form of organization - contributes to the achievement of democracy; times are considered the needs, aspirations and opinions of more people, the community. We studied the collegiate bodies to participate: the councils in the Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Campinas (SP), in order to understand how they have relationships between them and managers from the Secretaria, in developing policies for continuous training of teachers. To study this training is to say the importance of professionals and how they are, the importance of education, the role of the state, resources, projects, times, locations, and finally, as educational institutions deal with knowledge, needs and opportunities for teachers. But this organization does not guarantee the development of training policies for the area, considering the paths and decisions of those collective, in many cases, the guidelines are assumed political party, which implies job market meet the qualification requirements to meet the daily needs. Document analysis and interviews formed the methodology together with content analysis (BARDIN, 2000), as well as construction issues such as configuration and interdependence (ELIAS, 1980); semiformação (ADORNO, 1996) and qualification for the job (SOUZA, 2005 and KUENZER, 2002) were used for data analysis. The study of participation enabled us to grasp the organization, functioning and actions of established councils in the SME from 2001 to 2008, the managements of the denominated "PT" and "PDT" - respectively - in which the representation of civil society - through the establishment democracy - is possible to influence the designs of the designs of public policy in this case to the education sector. Along with this theme, we extend the study - from a need to enhance research participation - working also with the policies of continuing education of teachers in public schools in Campinas, through the organization of the administrative structure of the Municipal Education . The existence of an organizational structure that supports - for almost thirty years - the actions of continuous education of teachers in this office it possible to consolidate a culture of participation in continuing education fairs, but this does not guarantee that color no longer party political interfere with the plans of this policy, resulting in designs to meet the needs expressed by national and international organizations that promote education.


public policies politicas publicas conselhos de educação teachers development formação continuada do professor councils of education gestão da educação escolar education management

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