FormaÃÃo e organizaÃÃo polÃtica da classe dominante agrÃria: a Sociedade Rural do Oeste do Paranà / Training and political organization of the agrarian dominant class: Rural Society of Western ParanÃ




The present study refers to the formation and organization of the Agrarian fraction of the upper class in the West of ParanÃ. It also analyzes its union, called Rural Society of the West of Paranà (SRO). The formation of that fraction happened in two different moments: the first one happened when the land was occupied, a process that interfered directly in the land titling issue. The city of Cascavel is influenced by the presence of large land properties and by the economic and political power of their owners. The second moment refers to the conservative modernization of the Brazilian fields, which contributed to the consolidation of the agricultural land-ownersâ power .However, this process is not absolute and undisputed. In the decade of 1980, the Brazilâs Landless Rural Workersâ Movement (MST) appears as a movement in national basis, struggling for the Agrarian Reform and for a new model for the production and use of the land in Brazilian agriculture, which caused conflicts and confrontations, many of them involving violence and death. The SRO is a space for the land-owners to establish their leadership and to organize themselves in order to maintain their hegemonic condition, revealing their conservative way of thinking. Therefore, the present study intends to analyze the SRO organization and its moves to maintain its power, according to the theory written by Antonio Gramsci


cascavel sociedade rural do oeste do paranà terra poder hegemonia conflitos agrÃrios rural society of west of paranà land, power hegemony agrarian conflicts sociologia rural

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