FormaÃÃo de conselheiros para o controle social no Sistema Ãnico de SaÃde (SUS) - Cearà / The formation of councilmen for the social control in the Unified Health System (SUS) in the state of CearÃ.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The formation of councilmen for the social control in the Unified Health System (SUS) in the state of Cearà is made based on the National Directives for the Permanent Education Process in the Social Control in the Unified Health System, approved in the Reunion of the National Health Council in its 158th regular meeting, in September 14th and 15th of 2005. Such Directives focus on the promotion of knowledge about public health in Brazil, in particular about the Health Councils as an important delegacy for the strengthening of the organization and the proper functioning of the Unified Health System. They also focus on the permanent education as formal processes in the transmission and construction of knowledge through meetings, courses, workshops, seminaries and use of methodologies for distance learning, participative processes and forums of discussion such as health conferences, meeting of Health Councils, seminaries, and workshops, among others. Through such directives, the formation is seen as a learning process according to the pace of each agent, considering his social, cultural and religious differences, his necessities, conditions and opportunities of absorbing the knowledge throughout life, what requires an adequate time and particular situations for each group. Such directives are adopted in the Program for the Formation of Health Councilmen in CearÃ, whereas their actions consist in the Project of Formation of Councilmen in 2007, with the realization of thirty-nine workshops conducted by people chosen among the state councilmen, such Project had councilmen from 132 out of the 184 municipalities in CearÃ. This study provides analysis of these training activities, based on interviews with these facilitators of the workshops and their reports in documents of the State Council of Health to conduct this research were studies used by Bauman (2008), Beck (2010), Baudrillard (1985), Carvalho (2001), Dagnino (2002), Foucault (2010), Holanda (1995), Kauchakje (2008), Oliveira (1999; 2007), PlatÃo (1997), Popper (1987), RanciÃre (1996), Teixeira (2001) and others. The analysis points that the formation of councilmen for the social control in the Unified Health System is made in a conjuncture with great obstacles for both the institution of social rights and respective correspondents in public policies. The existence of an Unified Health System is emblematic in a country with a flawed democracy. This study points for the lack of emphasis to the comprehension that the economic power floats around the world, at the same time policies continue to be tied in its place, that the power is growingly global and extraterritorial, while the life institutions continue to be territorial and require ever more political intervention for its success. Finally, public issues that resist reduction become incomprehensible to the general population, which complicate the control policies and their trial for everyone.


educacao formaÃÃo participaÃÃo controle social sistema Ãnico de saÃde formation participation social control health system sistema Ãnico de saÃde (brasil) seviÃos de saÃde - brasil saÃde pÃblica - brasil administraÃÃo pÃblica serviÃos de saÃde pÃblica - administraÃÃo

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