FormaÃÃo continuada de professores sobre estruturas multiaplicavas a partir de seqÃÃncias didÃticas




The present research investigated the viability of a process of teacher inservice education on multiplicative structures based on didactic sequences. This process involved the analysis of the appropriation of two primary school teachers from a municipal school of Recife of structure problem solving. In this sense, the teachers experienced and elaborated didactic sequences as proposed by Brousseau (1986). In order to elaborate this process of teacher education we considered the experiences and desires of the teachers, because we believe that only this way they will feel involved and motivated to think about her practice and about what they know or think that they know. The process of in-service education was carried out through two months, consisting of five meetings with the teachers and five observations of their classrooms, alternately. This process occurred in a dynamics of action-reflection-action, in which the classroom was object of the teachersâ analysis and starting point for elaboration of the meetings. At the end of the process we can attest that the teachers came to understand the different logics involved in multiplicative structure problems and to work with other didactic forms in their classrooms â didactic sequences. The process of teacher education based on experiences of didactic sequences and the pedagogical organization also based on didactic sequences were fundamental for the teachers to reflect on their solutions and on those of their students. This process also allowed them to be aware of their conceptual and didactical abilities. In this way they truly apprehended a new form of organization of the pedagogical work. We believe that that successful experience indicates a form for future and so necessary processes of teacher in-service education


teacher in-service education educacao didactic sequences estruturas multiplicativas seqÃÃncia didÃtica formaÃÃo continuada multiplicative structures

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