Forma de comunicação no corpo - novas cartas sobre a dança




The epistolary communication has left its mark of dance history. Perhaps the most known publication in this area is Letters on Dance and the Ballets (1759), written by Jean Georges Noverre. He wrote fifteen letters, choosing this literary form to communicate a central question of his time surrounding dance, that is, the relationships between technique and expressiveness. This thesis grows from the hypothesis, which states that the form of communication chosen interferes in the process that it establishes. This hypothesis is supported by the understanding that there is evolution also in culture (Dawkins, 1979, 1998, 1999, 2001). Therefore, here we always try to connect the chosen medium (manuals, publication books, manifestos, periodicals, etc) with the quality of its information. To put into practice this hypothesis, the text here elaborated also takes the missive form. This choice became necessary in permitting the testing of the evolutionist concept of co-evolution between body and environment. The missive form permitted a way to approach the discussed subjects. Contrary to misinformed common sense, which states that information about dance is handed down by oral tradition, here we see the importance of the published form and, more specifically, of its divulgations mediums.


dança - história comunicação na arte cartas corpo danca cognição evolução

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