Forestry resources and agroforestry in the 12 de outubro rural settlement (Horto Vergel), Mogi Mirim, SP / Recursos florestais e agroflorestas no aasentamento 12 de outubro (Horto Vergel), Mogi Mirim, SP




The current paper aims to contribute on the characterization of forest resources use and perception by family farmers in an agrarian rural settlement. The study case of Horto Vergel settlement in Mogi-Mirim, São Paulo State was used. The research approach are related to the different ways of usage of the natural and forestry resources and the contextualization of the factors that determines its choice. The methodology had as a tool partially structured interviews, that allowed discussion, reflection and interaction with the interviewee, allowing vocations to be identified for the adoption and development of agroforestry systems. Secondary data was also applied, as part of the method, (maps, croquis, documents, historical series, and others), but the privilege of direct observation in the field within the interviews and the participation from the farmers was primary. The results obtained indicated that the great majority of the farmers interviewed in the Asentamento 12 de Outubro (81,4%) use forestry resources on some scale, but not in a proper way, what can lead to the exhaustion of these resources in a medium term. The main conclusion is that the family farmers from this rural settlement are not using the forestry resources in a conscious, systematic and preponderant manner of environment, economic and social reproduction. Such resources are still understood as coadjuvants, or even antagonists, in between the strategic possibilities to the permanence in the land. However, in spite of the lack of knowledge about agroforestry systems, the number of people interested in discussing the subject was high (72,1%), this demonstrates an approval situation between the current resource use and the perceptions of the possibilities anticipated by the farmers for their social and economic reproduction. Inner the possibilities an effort was made to stimulate alternatives for the management of the forestry resources that may enable the forest areas recovery and preservation, combined with strategies of food production, aiming for the sustainable, environmental and socioeconomic development of this rural settlement


family farms assentamentos rurais agrosilvicultura agroforestry systems agricultura familiar rural settlement forest resources recursos florestais

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