Food web dynamics under indirect effects mediated by trait and density / Dinâmica de redes tróficas sob efeitos indiretos mediados por traço e densidade




Predation, classically described as the negative effect of the predator on the density of their prey, will be examined for their effects on the behavior of prey,in the form of antipredator responses. Antipredator responses may arise on the morphology, physiology and/or the behavior of prey, by predation or by the mere presence of the predator, in this case called non-lethal predator. In this context we mainly examine the effect of predators on foraging and change of habitat of their prey, as a antipredator response. Through the diversity of models surveyed, we exam the dynamics as often they are analised, through indirect effects mediated by density, and exam the same dynamic added of the trait-mediated indirect effects,through behavioral modeling techniques.


antipredator response forrageamento resposta antipredatória predation(biology) foraging predação (biologia) ciencia da computacao animal-behavior animais-comportamento

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