Focus groups: the application of qualitative research to give support for quantitative research in Sistema de Bibliotecas/USP / "Grupos de foco: o uso da metodologia de avaliação qualitativa como suporte complementar à avaliação quantitativa realizada pelo Sistema de Bibliotecas da USP"




This dissertation demonstrates how a methodology called focus groups provides solid results to supplement a quantitative evaluation performed by the Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBi/USP). The basis for this dissertation is a detailed research about the most recent uses of the focus groups methodology in different areas of knowledge, especially in the Library Science field. Experiments performed in national and international universities libraries were selected and reported to build a diversified reference in this subject. It is also described one experiment headed by this researcher in some Libraries that constitutes the SIBi/USP. In this way the focus group methodology may help the libraries to improve their services and develop a essential skill for librarians: the art of listen to their users.


bibliotecas universitárias qualitative research sibi/usp sibi/usp academic libraries focus groups grupos de foco pesquisa qualitativa

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