Fluid Web and digital content components : from the document-centric view to the content-centric view / Fluid Web e componentes de conteudo digital : da visão centrada em documentos para a visão centrada em conteudo




The Web is evolving from a space for publicationj consumption of documents to an en­vironment for collaborative work, where digital content can traveI and be replicated, adapted, decomposed, fusioned and transformed. We call this the Fluid Web perspective. This view requires a thorough revision of the typical document-oriented approach that permeates content management on the Web. This thesis presents our solution for the Fluid Web, which allows moving from the document-oriented to a content-oriented pers­pective, where "content" can be any digital object. The solution is based on two axes: a self-descriptive unit to encapsulate any kind of content artifact - the Digital Content Component (DCC); and a Fluid Web infrastructure that provides management and de­ployment of DCCs through the Web, and whose goal is to support collaboration on the Web. Designed to be reused and adapted, DCCs encapsulate data and software using a single structure, thus allowing homogeneous composition and processing of any digital content, be it executable or noto These properties are exploited by our Fluid Web infrastructure, which supports DCC multilevel annotation and discovery mechanisms, configuration ma­nagement and version controI. Our work extensively explores Semantic Web standards and taxonomic ontologies, which serve as a semantic bridge, unifying DCC management vo­cabularies and improving DCC descriptionjindexingjdiscovery. DCCs and infrastructure have been implemented and are illustrated by means of examples, for scientific applicati­ons. The main contributions of this thesis are: the model of Digital Content Component; the design of the Fluid Web infrastructure based on DCCs, with support for repository­based storage, distributed sharing, version control and configuration management; an algorithm for digital content discovery that explores DCe semantics; and a practical validation of the main concepts in this research through implementation of prototypes


gerenciamento de configurações de software semantica e processamento de dados multimidia (computação) multimedia (computer science) componentes de software software configuration management software components semantics and data processing

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