Financial crises and the paradigm of financialization of abstract wealth : the challenges to overcome the rentism in its contemporary forms / Crises financeiras e o paradigma da financeirização da riqueza abstrata : os desafios para a superação do rentismo em suas formas contemporaneas




The crisis of 29 showed the risks posed by a financial arrangement predominantly influenced by speculative behavior. The ills of the Great Depression spurred the development of an institutional framework, as set out in Bretton Woods, which diminished the instability of the international financial system. However the disruption of that order had sparked the emergence of a new paradigm in the way of being of wealth, guided by the logic of financialization. This perspective is at the heart of the major crises in decades, challenging the ability of government authorities to establish some order in financial markets around the world. Particularly the last global systemic crisis, which originated in 2007 as defaults on subprime mortgages in the United States, requires that the issue be taken up and discussed more deeply, which is the fundamental proposition of this dissertation


financial crisis capital (economia) financial market crise financeira mercado financeiro - regulamentação capital

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