Fiber levels in the total diet of horses / Níveis de fibras na dieta total de eqüinos




It was objectified in this research to evaluate the effect of two fiber levels in neutral detergent combined with two ratios of voluminous foods and concentrates , on the apparent digestibility of the dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), crude energy (CE), ether extract (EE), fiber in neutral detergent (NDF), fiber in acid detergent (ADF), hemicelulose (HCEL) and its influences on pH fecal and levels of sanguine glucose, lactate, urea, creatinine, fibrinogeny and alkaline fosfatase aiming at to establish a minimal fiber level in the diet of equines. Five horses without defined race had been used, with age between 6 and 8 years and average weight of 300 kg, lodged in digestion river steamers. These animals had been distributed in delineation of Latin square (5 x 5). Each experimental period had a duration of 15 days, divided in prior experimental phase of 10 days and an experimental phase of 5 days, where if the harvest proceeded from excrements. The treatments had been constituted by two fiber levels in neutral detergent in the dry matter of total diet (25 and 35%) e, each level combined with two voluminous and concentrated ratios (50:50 and 60:40). The treatment testifies (TE) was elaborated to contain a ratio of 50:50 of concentrates/voluminous. In the unfoldings in ortogonais contrasts, the TE, with bigger fiber level, in comparison with anothers provided an improvement in the apparent digestibilidade of the NDF, ADF, HCEL, CE (P<0,01) and EE (P<0,05). The treatment with 25% of NDF (60:40) compared with the treatment with same fiber text in the diet (50:50), presented improvement in the apparent digestibilidade of OM and ADF (P<0,01), DM, CP, CE and NDF e (P<0,05), not differing for HCEL and EE. The used levels of fiber in this experiment had revealed safe for the parameters of lactate, glucose and pH fecal and had not influenced levels biochemists séricos of urea, creatinine, fibrinogeny and alkaline fosfatase.


digestibility lactato alkaline fosfatase creatinine creatinina glucose lactate ciencias agrarias fibrinogênio glicose fibrinogeny digestibilidade fosfatase alcalina

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