Ferramentas da qualidade para a melhoria dos serviÃos prestados: Uma aplicaÃÃo na CELPE no perÃodo 2002-2003




The dissertation was developed in the area of quality in services with approach in the Energy Company of Pernambuco â CELPE, objecting analyzing the effectiveness of the adopted model for the company and if the model is adjusted for the improvement of the customerâs satisfaction. In the panorama presented the company was included in itâs area of electric energy concession, inside Brazilian electric sector, pointing the main found difficulties and the ways for developing solutions for detected problems. From the panorama this dissertationâs general objective was defined: find solutions for these matters, showing that âTools of Qualityâ, guided as enterpriseâs and sectorialâs aggregateâs objectives, can offer efficiency and competitiveness profits to any company. Afterwards, the theoretical recital of the subjects that based the reach of the proposal objectives of this work emphasizing themes mainly related to the qualities of the services, was presented. Finally, the methodology for workâs development that resulted in a model of quality indicatives to measure the effectiveness of the implemented management, and the consequent improvement of the customerâs satisfaction, measured by impartial organism was comparing the benchmarking between companies of the sector


engenharia de produÃÃo - qualidade de serviÃos planejamento estratÃgico - abordagens motivacionais ferramentas de qualidade - conceitos, avaliaÃÃo e aplicaÃÃes prÃticas engenharia de producao

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