Federalism, exported economy and political representation: the Amazon in the Old Republic (1889-1914) / Federalismo, economia exportadora e representação politica: o Amazonas na Republica Velha (1889-1914)




This work reviews the inclusion of the state of Amazonas in the Old Republic, from the dynamism and collapse of its main product, rubber with emphasis on three themes: Federalism, Exporting Economy and Political Representation. The review of Federalism is restricted to the tax issue, focusing the debate on the Discriminations of Revenues on the Constitution of 1891, and its repercussion in the exporting states, highlighting the state of Amazonas and its exceptional tax situation. As far as the exporting economy is concerned, rubber represented its main product, which rubber represented its main product, which between 1870 and 1912, places the Amazon Region on a unique position within the national economic setting, as the second product in the brazilian exporting list. The dispute for the surplus generated is evidenced within the public sphere with the tax disputes involving the states of Amazonas and Pará, and in the private sphere with the connection of an ample network of debts and credits know as the ?Sistema de Aviamento?(goods supply system). The driving for the collection of latex was not founded on slave manpower, owing to the specificity of the product, scattered through the forest. The solution for the problem was the arrival of national laborers chiefly from the Northeast, who driven by the draught looked for new horizons in the Amazon. As to the Political Representation, we have reviewed as in the State of Amazonas its political and economic actors used to articulate in defense of rubber within their respective forums: the Provincial Legislative House and within the State of Amazonas Trade Association. The definition of such themes referred us to an important issue for a better understanding of the republican period: the transition from monarchy to republic from the perspective of the abolitionistic and republic movements, where the State of the Amazonas participated in a vivid way of the abolitionistic movement becoming the second province to abolish slavery in July 1, 1884. Finally, the study tries to articulate the relationship that was developed in the State of Amazonas between this unique exporting economy, the action of its political elites and the existence as an state


old republic political representation amazonas brazil brasil - historia - republica velha federalismo brazil amazonas history federalism governo representativo e representação

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