Fechamento do coto distal do colon sigmoide comparando sutura Manual contÃnua com lacre plÃstico. Estudo experimental em cÃes / Closure of the distal sigmoid stump comparing running suture and zip-tie closure. Experimental study in dogs


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this experimental study was to compare the efficacy of two techniques of distal sigmoid stump closure: plastic zip-tie versus manual, running extramucosal single-layer suture with polypropylene thread. The study included 30 clinically healthy female dogs (Canis familiaris) weighing 8−18 kg supplied by the local municipal dog pound (Teresina, PiauÃ). The animals were distributed in two groups of 15 animals each and submitted to laparotomy, colon resection and closure of the distal sigmoid stump with either running extramucosal suture using 3-0 propylene thread (Group I) or a plastic zip-tie (Group II). All animals were submitted to latero-terminal colorectal anastomosis and were evaluated transoperatively and immediately after surgery by a veterinarian. Standard chow and water was provided ad libitum once evacuation had been observed. On the 21st postoperative day the animals were anesthetized with Cloridrate Cetamina i.v. and euthanized with 20% potassium chloride i.v. A second laparotomy was performed to evaluate the colorectal anastomosis and submit the sigmoid stump to a wound disruption test. Findings were submitted to variance analysis, followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test and the Chi-square test for confirmation. Wound disruption occurred in four animals from each group, with no statistically significant difference between the groups (p>0.05). The average time of surgery was 27.7 min (Group I) and 24.7 min (Group II), with no statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.09). The average disruption pressure was 145.0 mmHg (Group I) and 195.0 mmHg (Group II), with no statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.057). Closure of the sigmoid stump may be as safely performed with plastic zip-tie as with conventional continuous suture using 3-0 polypropylene thread.


intestino grosso tÃcnicas de sutura colon cirurgia colon, tecniques of suture, large gut

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