Fea, velha, sandia: imagens da mulher nas cantingas de escárnio e maldizer galego-portuguesas / Ugly, old, crazy: womens images in the galician-portuguese cantigas de escárnio e maldizer




The goal of this research is to find womens images in the Galician-Portuguese cantigas de escárnio e maldizer. In order to characterize the ambience of production of this kind of poetry, it will be used as counterpoint to the literary fonts a more objective and descriptive documentation: the peninsular legal compilations, As Sete Partidas, from Leon and Castille, and the Livro das Leis e Posturas and the Ordenações Afonsinas, from Portugal, as an attempt to understand concrete problems related to womens social part as it is pertinent to marriage and inheritance, which instigated the writing of the satirical ballads. By means of the comments made by the troubadours, about women or men related to them, we shall seek comprehension of the value-judgments which guide their vision of the vices and virtues of the feminine figure and, thus, identify the woman facets that, seen in light of the historical-literary moment characterized, will make our objective to describe the womens images bequeath to us by the Iberian medieval satiric ballads.


cantigas de escárnio e maldizer península ibérica middle ages mulheres women cantigas de escárnio e maldizer trovadorismo galego-português iberian peninsula galician-portuguese trovadorism idade média

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