Fatores familiares e aproveitamento escolar em uma escola publica da periferia de São Paulo




The aim of this survey was to study the relationship between school achievement of children from first year of grade school, at a school in the periphery of the city of Sao Paulo, and some family factors, as mental health of parents. Two hundred and thirty families were called and one hundred and forty-one appeared and were in terwied. Two questionnaires were utilized: one consisted of objective questions about sociodemographic data anda about the child s situation among the family environment; the other one consisted in the combination of the SRQ-24 (to screen for minor psychiatric disturbances and psicosis) and the CAGE (to screen for alcoholism) and was answered for each father and mother separately. At the end of the year the school provided a list of the passing students and the failing students and the variables were compared between the two groups, with the help of statistical tests. There were identified significative differences regarding the following variables: company for the child at home, number of siblings, the fact of fathers being illiterate or not, father s educational level, family income per capita, number of rooms in the house, number of persons in the house


rendimento escolar - aspectos psicologicos saude mental psiquiatria social

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