Fatores emocionais durante uma escuta musical afetam a percepção temporal de músicos e não-músicos? / Do emotional factors during music listening tasks affect time perception of musicians and nonmusicians?




RAMOS, Danilo. Do emotional factors during music listening tasks affect time perception of musicians and nonmusicians? 2008, 268 pages. Thesis (PhD). Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto. University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2008. This study aimed to verify the role of emotions triggered by music on time perception of musicians and nonmusicians. Four experiments were conducted: In Experiment I, musicians and nonmusicians performed emotional association tasks for musical excerpts of 36 seconds duration belonging to the Western classic repertoire. The tasks required to listen to each musical excerpt and to associate it with emotional categories: Joy, Serenity, Sadness, or Fear/Anger. The results showed that most musical excerpts triggered a specific single emotion in listeners; moreover, the emotional associations of musicians were similar to the emotional associations of nonmusicians for most musical excerpts presented. In Experiment II, musicians and nonmusicians performed temporal association tasks for the three most representative excerpts of each emotion used in Experiment I. Thus, the participants had to associate each of such musical excerpts with the following durations: 16, 18, 20, 22 or 24 seconds. The results showed that for the musicians, the three musical excerpts associated with Sadness were underestimated in relation to their real time; moreover, no other emotional category was associated with more than one musical excerpt whether being underestimated or overestimated, regarding their real time, for both groups. Recent researches in Psychology of Music have shown two structural properties as the modulators of specific emotions perceived during a music listening task: the mode (the organization of the notes in a musical scale) and tempo (the number of beats per minute). Thus, in Experiment III, musicians and nonmusicians carried out emotional association tasks with musical compositions constructed in seven modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian) and three tempi (adagio, moderato, and presto). The procedure was the same used in Experiment I. The results showed that the musical mode modulated the affective valence triggered by the excerpts: musical excerpts based on major modes obtained positive affective valence indexes and musical excerpts based on minor modes obtained negative affective valence indexes; moreover, the musical tempo modulated the arousal triggered by the excerpts: the faster the tempo of the musical excerpts, the higher the arousal levels and vice versa, for both groups. In Experiment IV, musicians and nonmusicians performed temporal association tasks for those modal musical excerpts used in Experiment III. The procedure was the same used in Experiment II. The results showed that manipulations concerning arousal affected the time perception of the listeners: time underestimations due to low arousal excerpts were found for both groups; moreover, time underestimations due to high arousal excerpts were found only for nonmusicians. These results showed that in the case of musicians, time perception was affected by emotional atmospheres related to Sadness; in the case of nonmusicians, time perception was affected by factors related to the level of arousal of music events appreciated.


musical expertise temporal perception expertise musica percepção temporal musical emotions music cognition cognição musical emoções musicais

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