Fatores determinantes para a tradução da estratégia em ações e resultados: a disciplina da execução. / Determinants factors for the translating the strategy into actions and results: the discipline of execution.




The main objective of this thesis was the identification of the determinant factors to translate the strategy into actions and results a new organizational competence called the discipline of strategy execution. To reach this proposed objective, the methodological selected approach encompass a theoretically based study, through a broad literature search and review concerning the knowledge areas related to the key issues linked to the project research, as well as a field research carried out in companies involved with strategic modeling and action. The main results show a range of 23 constructs, clustered into five key factors in the strategy implementation process, which have significant impact on both the categories of results: financial and processes. As a result of these approaches, the Strategy Execution Value-Chain Model was proposed in order to provide a guide to support companies efforts and initiatives in their successful journey to strategy execution.


strategy strategy execution value-chain model discipline of execution modelo da cadeia de valor para execução da estratégia disciplina da execução estratégia

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