Fatores de risco para a doença arterial coronariana em população de Campinas : diferenças entre os sexos




This study aimed at comparing the prevalence of various risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) between the sexes in a Brazilian population. Eight hundred and seventy-three adult volunteers had their total blood cholesterol (CHOL) measured and filled in a questionnaire with information on the presence of the following risk factors for CHD: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and cigarette smoking. The data were ana1yzed for the total population and according to sub-groups of age, sex and body mass index (BMI): 45 versus <45 years old (y) for men, and 5 versus <55 y for women, and 5 versus <25 kglm2. CHOL was associated with BMI, sexo age, hypertension and sedentariness. Age and sex presented a very significant interaction at alIlages and BMI and sex presented it at and afier the age 50y. The population presented high ftequencies of all the risk factors evaluated. High CHOL and hypertension were more prevalent among women as compared to men. Hypertension, diabetes and smoking showed equal or higher prevalence in women in premenopausal ages as compared to men. Obesity and sedentariness were equally prevalent in both sexes respectively in the postmenopausal age group and at alI ages. We conc1ude that: 1- Age, sex, BMI, hypertension and sedentariness influenced CHOL in this population; 2- The prevalence of the CHD risk factors indicate that there is an urgent need for its control in Brazil; 3- These results may explain the high rates of incidence of CHD in Brazilian women as compared to men


sistema cardiovascular arterias coronarias colesterol aterosclerose

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