Fatoração QR como ferramenta para a determinação de poços principais em redes de monitoramento de aqüíferos freáticos




Monitoring networks of piezometric motion are increasingly used for evaluation and management of aquifers. A pivoted version of the QR factorization was used in four networks, with the purpose of determining principal wells. One network is located at river Jardim watershed, at the east portion of Distrito Federal, Brazil, and the other three are located in south portion of Tocantins state, as part of the hydrogeologic monitoring for the construction of AHE Peixe Angical dam. Once defined the principal wells, the piezometric surface is calculated through a least-squares approach, which determines control regions of piezometric variability. Those regions match with soil coverage. At the river Jardim watershed, it was possible to reduce in 82% the number of wells to be monitored. The networks located in south Tocantins were reduced in 50% approximately. The water level movement simulation generated from principal wells records returned 99% correlation with original fluctuation.


seleção de subconjuntos geociencias qr factorization monitoramento de água subterrânea fatoração qr subset selection groundwater monitoring

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