Farmacodependência: a busca de uma presença no mundo




This study pretends to analyse the aspects of pharmacodependence from the contribuitions of D. W. Winnicott. It presents the view of some authors that studied the toxicomania and pointed out basics aspects of the personalit of the pharmacodependent and his relantionship with the drugs. Among this aspects it was pointed out the incapabilit to form a subjectivit and the sense of destructible. Following, it presents the theory of Winnicott about the primitive emotional development and the possible lades that generates the spedfics psychs disturbances. The there is a reflection about the above-mentioned aspects using the Winnicott analyses of the positive function of the illusion as constitutive of the subjectivit and of realit and the positive value of destructible, as a tool of discrimination between the self and no-self. It is described three dinical cases that were attended at the Comunidade Terapêutica Maxwell, through which it is illustrated the above-mentioned aspects


toxicomania drogadicao destrutividade psicologia disturbios psiquicos psicotropicos

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