Famílias homoafetivas e adoção no âmbito do estado democrático de direito




The aim of this work is to analyse the juridical possibility of childrens adoption by familiar homoafective entities. Methodologically, it was elected working with bibliographic and documental research, using as a resource, jurisprudential pieces related to the broached problem. In spite of a law omission, concerned to the permission for adoption from the part of homosexual partners, it is reasonable to use the new constitutional hermeneutics that prizes in favor of the greatest efectiveness of fundamental rights, among them those ones of Equality, Freedom and human beings dignity. This way it is a must item to defend the right to motherhood and fatherhood for the referred partners, provided that sexual advise, as an inner part of Mans personality cannot be use as a restriction in sirvice of discrimination suffered by them, envolving, actually, gender and function matters, that can be done by by two men or two women, because there isnt any apparent harm for whom the benefit is toward to give to. Putting a child or a teenager in substitute homoafective families is more on way of accomplishing the constitutional principle of providind the greatest underages protection, giving him a chance of getting the benefits of all fundamental rights vouched by Federal Constitution (life, health, food, education, leisure time, profissionalization, culture, dignity, freedom and the privite and communitary living with). If these children or young peaple stay on the streets, out of cast, or in especific institutions, for sure they wontt find there the necessary conditions they would have in a real home. So, refusing the adoption act for homosexual partners is the same of refusing a decent life for children and teenagers brazilian born, in a serious injury againsts human dignity of both parts involved in in the process.


homossexualidade - dissertaÇÕes direitos fundamentais - dissertaÇÕes direito constitucional adoÇÃo - dissertaÇÕes

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