Familia de cidades : a atividade textil em Americana e entorno




The present study searched to comprehend the externa I forces actuation on the process of formation and actual organization of the family of the textile cities composed by Americana, Nova Odessa, Santa Bárbara d Oeste and Sumaré, situated in the State of São Paulo. The concept of family of cities concems to the implantation of new substructure in urban areas, as a response to the mercantile exigencies for a modem production. We suggested the importance of the textile industry in the general context of the brazilian industrialization up to the present days, and aimed to show the alterations occurred in its spacial distribution through the brazilian territory, from 1960 to 2000. Different segments compose the textile sector (production of fibers and filaments, wiring, plain texture, hosiery and finishing/refining) and, recently in Brazil, we can observe a process of concentration of production and specialization in these segments. We also set to discussion the influence of companies which belong to big intemational groups on the brazilian textile production, as well as the worldwide productive reorganization of these groups, in special in the production of textile fibers and filaments of chemical origino We focussed as well the cotton agricultural industry, with the action of big groups, and the integrated segment of wiring/weaving, with the leadership of big national textile groups. Specifically related to the mentioned family of cities, we suggested the importance of textile activity on the economic dynamism of both circuits of the urban economy. During the study, we observed the continuity, the diversification as well as the intensification of extemal forces actuation on these family of textile cities


industria textil - americana (sp) spacial distribuition of the textile industry geografia urbana textile industry family of cities distribuição geografica

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