FamÃlias e escritas: a prÃtica dos literatos e as relaÃÃes familiares em Teresina nas primeiras dÃcadas do sÃculo XX




This study analyses the production of a group of piauiense Writers that use, during the XX century, Their Writing as an strategy of action, in order to provide changes in the familiar relationship and in the identities of gender. The goal of these Writers was to make people change traditional practice and the rural mentality, based on oral tradition, obtaining a new quotidian practice, based on a close relationship with the graphic culture, with the urban sociability and whit the educational system. Thus, this study is about such production and about the start of a new form of relationship of the piauiense society with the world of the graphic culture


historia famÃlia writers gender relations family literatos relaÃÃes de gÃnero

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