FamÃlia e drogadiÃÃo: compreendendo o padrÃo de relacionamento de uma famÃlia com um membro dependente quÃmico




In this Case Study we have worked with a chemical dependent female member of a family who uses alcoholic beverages and âmerlaâ among other drugs. We have used clinical individual and family interviews, trigeracional genograme elaboration and a collage. The collage was chosen for being a non-verbal technique. The use of qualitative research methodology of intervention research has made it possible to collect data that has brought a more accurate understanding of the events within the family context. Such events include how the family deals with the treatment and the effective participation of the family in the recovery of the chemical dependent. The present study was developed at the Chemical Dependent Assistance Program from State Education Secretariat, where we attend public servants who use legal and illegal drugs inappropriately. The study has favored the approaching of interpersonal conflicts that happened before the establishment of the chemical dependency and also of family relationships difficulties as a result of drug addiction. The data collected reveal a family structure that is not very flexible, having a confusing communication pattern. We identified that the family social isolation is due to scant interactions with external systems as a consequence of the little malleability of the conjugal and parental systems.


psicologia social drogadiÃÃo estrutura familiar drug addiction family structure family famÃlia

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