Factores que influyen en la elección de las carreras de pedagogía en Colombia


Educ. Pesqui.




Abstract This paper aims to identify the factors that influence motivation, satisfaction and expectations about the professional practices among students in education colleges and postsecondary education colleges in Colombia, studying the case of the Caribbean region, based on a quantitative study with 805 students linked with the programs mentioned above, who were in charge of measuring the factors that influence the selection of teaching careers, according to the FIT-choice scale (Factors Influencing Teaching choice), developed by Watt and Richardson (2007). Findings not only allow us to establish a socio-educational profile of future teachers analyzed in this work, but also help us to identify factors linked to the main types of motivations that mostly affect the choice of education careers. In this case, the altruistic and intrinsic motivations are the most valued by respondents, compared with extrinsic motivations, related to salary and time for family, for example, whose valuation was lower. Satisfaction with choice is well valued despite low salaries, lack of social status and high social dissuasion.

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