Faces of the sacred feminine: the archetype of the wild woman. / FACES DO FEMININO SAGRADO: O ARQUÉTIPO DA MULHER SELVAGEM




The images of the sacred feminine are erased in face of male power. The search for an integrative space between the feminine and the masculine principles becomes necessary because of the manifestation of the sacred that inhabits each one. This is a theoretical and qualitative work that considers three aspects of an analogy between the archetype of the Wild Woman, the mythical figure of Lilith and the biblical character of Maria Magdalena. In the historical aspect of the mythical reports we notice a demonized image of these women and a diminishment of their shine as sacred manifestations, due to the annulment of the integrating space of each one. The Wild Woman IS WHAT SHE IS, and belongs to herself. The danger of the wild lies in the negation of her feminine power. The symbolic movement occurs when the woman touches her corporality, and her feminine power to generate and nurture encompasses the experience of becoming one-in-herself. These experiences mould her vase-body and recreate new forms of integration. Lilith and Maria Magdalena find divine wisdom in the wild and in nature, and teach us to come into contact with our lunar aspects. In the androgyny, through the encounter between the feminine and masculine poles, re-creation/resurrection blows life into the aspects that need restoration, composing the truth and wisdom of its sacred space. Meeting the wolf gives light to obscure aspects and brings consciousness to the path of knowledge of the soul. This is the point where the female divinities were demonized, renounced and confined to the obscure side of their dark moons.


sabedoria lua teologia moon feminino sagrado wisdom wild selvagem sacred feminine

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