Fabricação e caracterização de filmes automontados de PAH/BSA / Fabrication and characterization of LbL films of PAH / BSA


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the last years techniques have been developed for the development of science and technology concerning all science fields, such as physics, chemistry and biology. The study of the protein adsorption processes on the solid surfaces is of great importance in the development of biocompatible materials. The Layer-by-Layer deposition technique, where self-assembled films are deposited on solid surfaces, is based mainly on the electrostatic interaction between the different materials (in this work, polyelectrolytes). To maintain the stability of the films, one should have the complete control and knowledge over the materials that are used, i.e. knowledge and control over their properties. In this work it was studied the production of nanostructured thin films containing alternating layers of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and bovine serum albumin protein (BSA). It was studied the adsorption processes of these materials onto solid surfaces, which included adsorption kinetics and film growth studies by using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The film morphology, thickness and roughness were studied by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The SEM and AFM results showed that the film presented a globular morphology and a thickness within the nanoscale, which could be controlled by the number of layers deposited. The rugosity and thickness of the film depend on the number of bilayer deposited, where the film roughness increased for films with a number of bilayers up to five, after which the film roughness remained almost constant for films with a number of bilayers higher than five. This is an indicative that the adsorption and growth processes might occur under two different mechanisms, first under the influence of the substrate (films containing up to five bilayers of PAH/BSA), and second under the influence of the film previously deposited (films containing more than five bilayers of PAH/BSA), respectively


engenharia de materiais e metalurgica técnica lbl poli(cloreto de alilamina) (pah) proteína de soro bovino (bsa) mev afm lbl technique polialilamina hydrochloride (pah) bovine serum protein (bsa) sem afm

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