Extratos vegetais como alternativas aos antimicrobianos promotores do crescimento de leitões recém-desmamados / Herbal extracts as alternatives to antimicrobial growth promoters of weanling pigs




The use of antimicrobial as growth promoters in the animal feed has been related to an increase on animal performance. However, due to the restriction of many countries to the use of antimicrobial as growth promoters, alternatives are being studied. So, the purpose of this work was to evaluate herbal extracts as alternatives to antimicrobial growth promoters of weanling pigs based on performance and organ weights. A 35-d randomized complete block design experiment was carried out to compare five treatments: control - basal diet; antimicrobial - basal diet with colistin + tiamutin (75 ppm of each); herbal extract of clove (Ec) – basal diet with 420 ppm of herbal extract (210 ppm of essential oil of clove + 210 ppm of active compound eugenol); herbal extract of oregano (Eo) – basal diet with 420 ppm of herbal extract (210 ppm of essential oil of oregano + 210 ppm of active compound carvacrol); and herbal extract of clove + oregano (Ec + Eo) – basal diet with 420 ppm of herbal extract (105 ppm of essential oil of clove + 105 ppm of eugenol and 105 ppm of essential oil of oregano + 105 ppm of carvacrol ), being all the herbal extracts encapsulated. Eighty pigs (average age around 24 d and initial live weight of 7.19 ± 1.55 kg), eight replications per treatment, and two animals per experimental unit were used for performance data. At the end of experimental period, an animal per pen of first four blocks was slaughtered for organ morphometry data. Specific contrasts of practical importance were tested. For 1-14 d period, pigs fed antimicrobial showed better fed conversion (CA) than the mean of those fed herbal extract treatments (P=.02), while pigs fed Ec gave better CA than those fed Eo (P=.03). For the total period, pigs fed antimicrobial showed higher body weight at 35 days (P35) (P=.05) and average daily gain (GDP) (P=.06) than the mean of those fed herbal extracts. Pigs fed Ec + Eo gave higher P35 (P=.02) and GDP (P=.02) than the mean of those fed other herbal extract treatments. For the organ morphometry data, the antimicrobials provided a higher relative weight of kidneys (P=.01) than the mean of the other treatments with herbal extracts. Overall, antimicrobial agents provided the best performance of weanling pigs. Concerning to herbal extracts, the combination of clove and oregano provided performance close to that of pigs fed antimicrobials, showing that this combination can be a potential alternative as growth promoter of weanling pigs.


nutrição animal morfometria animal extrato vegetal growth promoters leitão animal performance animal morphometry animal nutrition desempenho animal herbal extracts estimulante de crescimento weanling pigs

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