Expropriating the curriculum: image, educational practice and lived experience in the anarcopunk movement / Desapropriando o Currículo: imagem, prática educativa e experiência vivida no movimento anarcopunk


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Grounded on the principle that learning and knowledge should take into account local practices, actions and meanings of daily life, this research tries to understand how lived experience outside and inside school can imbricate in art educational practices. Emphasizing the role of images as space of dissolution of frontiers between life and school and in accordance with visual culture education referential, the practices which I developed in the classroom are reverberations of experiences lived as militant in the anarcopunk movement by the end of the eighties of the last century. Exploiting gaps which favor non authorized or impure aesthetics productions not legitimated by the curriculum, principles of collectivity and, also, sabotage to authoritarian and hierarchical relations have been used as teaching tactics in order to build bridges between school and daily life. Guided by a qualitative approach, data was produced through a focal group with five girls and five male students attending the seventh grade in the Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Roraima em Macapá AP.


visual culture cotidiano prática educativa em arte movimento anarcopunk cultura visual artes daily life educational art practice anarcopunk movement

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