Expressão da incerteza de medição associada a um ensaio aeronautico em tunel de vento subsonico




This thesis describes a method to express the uncertainty of measurements associatec with canying out an aeronautical test in the Subsonic Wind Tunnel T A-2, of th( Aerodynamic Testing Laboratory ASA-L. at the Institute of Aeronautics and Space - IAE at the Aerospace Technical Center - CTA The methodology employed is tha recommended by the international metrological organizations. The calibration procedure o the multi-component balance which employs multivariate regression is presented here. Th standard uncertainty components resulting ftom the curve fit are later used to estima te tb uncertainty in forces and moments acting on the model which is being tested. A compariso is made between the method proposed here and that used in TA-2. This document aIs presents the measurement methodology of the flow parameters such as static. dynamic 8IJ total pressure and temperature. density. velocity. Reynolds and Mach numbers. The em sources which contnoutes to the uncertainty of the measurements are stated. TI corrections in the aerodynamic loads due to the variation of the dynamic pressure, to ti position of the model, and to the tare and interference are applied. The functior relationships of the measured quantities are presented, together with the combin expression ofthe uncertainty, in accordance with the standards adopted by the intemational metrological community. The object ofthis study is to contribute to the development ofthe science and the techniques of measurement which are applicable to subsonic wind tunnel tests. The study carried out in this thesis helps the laboratory staff to identify the errors which compromise the uncertainty leveI required by the experimento It serves as a guide as to which measwnent procedures should be adopted to achieve the required results


tuneis aerodinamicos - balanças calibração medição teoria dos erros

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