Experimental procedures for evaluating the common bean reaction to white mold / Procedimentos experimentais para avaliaÃÃo da reaÃÃo do feijoeiro ao mofo branco




The present study was carried out to determine the optimal plot size and the ideal number of repetitions in experiments using an oxalic acid solution as a method to discriminate genotypes with physiological resistance to white mold in the common bean. In addition, it was also verified if successive generations of S. sclerotiorum multiplication, in potato dextrose agar, change the aggressiveness of the fungus. Eight common bean genotypes were evaluated in four oxalic acid experiments, in different periods, throughout the year. Each plot was represented by one plant and replicated 30 times using a completely randomized design. The data collected determined the ideal size of each plot to be that of eight plants, using the method of maximum curvature of the coefficient of variation. To estimate the ideal number to be at least four replications per experiment, 3000 simulations were sampled using the Monte Carlo method. After ten generations replicating the S. sclerotiorum in vitro the aggressiveness reduced after the second generation, suggesting that only two generations be used based on sclerotium for obtaining the inoculums without losing aggressiveness.


geraÃÃes de repicagem tamanho Ãtimo da parcela mofo branco nÃmero ideal de repetiÃÃes Ãcido oxÃlico generations replicating and white mold ideal number of replications oxalic acid genetica e melhoramento florestal optimum size of the plot

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