Experiment and Erlebnis : the dimension of life as pathos / Experimento e vivencia : a dimensão da vida como pathos




The objective of this research is to analyze Nietzsche s formula become who you are . It is an alteration of Pindaro s expression made by Nietzsche, which has worried him since he was a student until being published with the subtitle of Ecce homo. Our hypothesis is that become who you are formula can be understood through the concept of experience (Erlebnis). Experience means to still be present in life when something happens, however, we are never aware of experience when we are still crossing it. In this case, experience is reason s counter-concept and, as such, it is understood as pathos. It is about a notion which, pathetically, it can not be conceptually systematized and not even be communicated through linguistic signs, since as soon as we rationalize it or we communicate it, it is not an experience any longer. Become who you are , however, happens once in a lifetime and precisely through the experiences (Erlebnisse), in a way that to become is converted into a huge experimentation process essentially fluid. Methodologically, the research is structured in three parts. In the first chapter we analyze a concept immediately related to Experience (Erlebnis): the notion of experiment. It is about a concept essentially practical and which congregates around oneself an ethicalaesthetic dimension in the process of become who you are . Based on this concept, one finds the role that science occupies in its double semantic variation, specially from Human, All Too Human up to The Gay Science: science as propaedeutic - the one which empties the illusory errors from reason and from the world s moral ordination - and like knowledge s passion - the one which the free spirit learns to consider himself and the world in an aesthetically, in an effective praxis of self-formation. In the second chapter we approach the experience (Erlebnis) concept. We start from its etymologic origin and the reception given by Nietzsche, passing through the autobiographical character separation, taking into account the interpretation as the condition s genealogy in which a thought emerges and it develops, up to its interpretation as pathos. To experience is to pathetically cross a range, which movement is done far beyond the intentionality, but which builds in men life abundance. The last part of the research tackles the solution of two problems which were originated from previous interpretations: a language problem and the other one is about intentionality. Regarding the language, it is investigated how it is possible to resolve the experience communication problem, through three variants: first, the analysis of which we call as the comprehensibility s inversion critical project; after an interpretation of which Nietzsche named as his style s art and, finally, in what measure does Zarathustra materializes the communication possibilities of a pathos internal tension. Regarding intentionality, it is a question of understanding how one becomes what one is starting from two other registers: on one side, the idea of destiny, in so far as, etymologically, it also means pathos; on the other hand, it is about understanding the become who you are under the fluency s signal (Fluktuanz)


philosophy of language german philosophy vida - filosofia filosofia alemã pathos linguagem - filosofia pathos life

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