Experiências de socialização: o caso de famílias de trabalhadores no bairro Ferrazópolis, em São Bernardo do Campo / Socialization experiences: the case of working families in the neighborhood Ferrazópolis in São Bernardo do Campo.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work is the result of a survey carried out with the support of Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) entitled \"The working class family in the neighborhood Ferrazópolis: a study of political socialization.\" The main objective of this research was to analyze the processes of intergenerational transmission intergenerational families within the working class and, were analyzed for both the modes and modalities of socialization put into practice by working families in a neigghborhoof built by workers who experienced several transformations over the past decades, reaching lose the characteristic neighborhood of workers, becoming a slum, in the periphery of São Bernardo do Campo, which profoundly influenced the way of life of the residents of this place. This research was developed from a qualitative methodology, based mainly on the realization and analysis of interviews and also field research with observations and sometimes participatory neighborhood in routine and routine households selected to be interviewed. The interviews, in turn, were conducted with parents and children, with older residents of the neighborhood, political leaders, community and faith.


and metallurgical generations família family gerações e metalúrgicos política politics socialização socializing trabalho work

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