Experiences in movement: Alimentation, citizenship and social-conflict in the area east of Sao Paulo (1993-2006) / Experiências em movimento: alimentação, cidadania e lutas socias na zona leste de São Paulo (1993-2006)




It concerns a historic investigation about the struggles against hunger and poverty on the east side of the city of São Paulo. This paper aims to establish a relationship between the work of Josué de Castro on hunger and the work developed by Ação da Cidadania that has its main articulator the sociologist Herbert de Souza, also known as Betinho. In addition, it aims to analyze retrospectively the roles of the different historic agents from 1993 to 2006, a period that comprehends the process of consolidation of the democracy in Brazil, marked by a wide social mobilization against hunger and poverty, to the actual time, with the implementation of public policies addressing the promotion of human rights, nourishment and the promulgation of the Brazilian Nutritional and Food Security Organic Act (LOSAN).


hunger fome social moviments poverty movimentos sociais programs and policies on nutrition and food programas e políticas de nutrição e alimentação pobreza

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