Experience of solidarity economy cáritas Ceará: the case of network bodegas / Experiência de economia solidária da cáritas do Ceará: o caso da rede bodegas




Economia solidária is sought of social reform into numerous scope of human action and it has remarkable grew up in recent years because its different configurations. My main question is make a research about Rede Bodegas namely Rede de Economia Popular Solidária placed in the State of Ceará. Rede Bodegas that is an instance of and refers to Caritas which has some projects concern Alternative Community Projects (so called PACs). Hence, we search for an answer to the questions: how they become entirely independent any way and farther how they construct the underlying source of Economia Solidária. The methodology adopted is like an empiric one or only a case through we concern with Rede Bodegas activities. Informations at issue were grasped through a questionnaire which comprises lessons about production, betterment, trading and distribution of economic outcome. Data that were researched provides a framework (schema) supported by Cáritas Diocesana de Fortaleza accord to the principles of Economia solidária. This project has a clearly concern: bringing up gain for its agents such improvement income and environmental rectitude possessing, mutual cooperation and solidarity feeling. Hence, Caritas played a role especially with a logistic one: qualifying people, methodological, supervising, etc. According data interpretation its possible to construct a virtuous circle to Rede Bodegas that can be financial supported by Caritas. The result can be enjoyed by everyone who is comprised with the project in order to bring at all into account the dignity of people. For example, along with 8 diocese distributed all over the state (2006), there was minimal results, but those were at least important to advance the project tout court on a continuum. Then, Economia Popular Solidária sets up a prominent future (the project can be settled by Caritas) and it gets farther.


economia popular solidária projetos alternativos solidários cáritas ciencias sociais aplicadas cáritas economia popular solidária rede bodegas alternative community projects

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