ExperiÃncia de construÃÃo do consÃrcio intermunicipal de saÃde da zona da mata de Pernambuco: a concepÃÃo do gestor




Once municipal managers are the main actors in a consortia celebration, this study aimed to identify the motivations and difficulties of managers of five municipal districts that compose the Mata Norte Health Intermunicipal Consortia (Cisman) in Pernambuco (Brazil), concerning the Consortium formation, and expectation of them with its implantation. For such, semistructured and recorded interviews with mayors and health secretaries that occupied the position in different phases of the Consortium construction were applied, and analyzed using the content analysis. Based on this approach, difficult access to specialized services, high expenses with transport of users to distant localities, existence of a physical structure in the region, success experiences of others states and countries with consortium implantations and the Promata, were identified as the main motivations for the Cisman. The managers expectations with the strategy implantation correspond to reduction of expenses with transport of patients, facilitation of population access to services of bigger complexity and negotiation with others government spheres. The difficulties faced during the construction process were pointed as following: the extreme bureaucracy, politician-partisans conflicts, unreliability of the population with regard to the Cisman and the rotation of health municipal secretaries. Great divergences were not detected in the managers perception, however were observed that the managers that initiated the consortium formation process presented a more detailed and deeper speech, showing more involvement with Cisman construction than those that gave continuity to its implantation


sistema Ãnico de saÃde â descentralizaÃÃo â gestÃo â consÃrcio intermunicipal de saÃde saude coletiva national public health system â decentralization â management â health intermunicipal contortia

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