Expenditure survey on continued veno-venous hemodialysis procedure in the intensive care unit. / Levantamento do custo do procedimento de hemodiálise veno-venosa contínua em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva.




Dialitic procedures performed in Intensive Care Unit ( ICU) have been showing continuous advances and consequently demanding appropriate and precision equipment, specific materials, and the most adequately trained professionals.Even though procedures as the continued veno-venous hemodialysis ( CVVHD)are routinely applied , they have been generating high financial expenditures within the healthcare system and thus affecting healthcare institutions which have to carefully assess the provided healthcare costs. The present study was intended to characterize patients submitted to dialitic treatment with CVVHD in ICUs; monitor procedure- time duration; estimate nurses´ labor wages; estim...ate the direct procedures mean costs. This investigation, of an exploratory, descriptive, retrospective and quantitative-documental nature was developed in a public teaching hospital located in the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil .Ninety-three procedures performed in 50 patients were analyzed. Data collection made use of a two-part instrument: one for the patients´data survey and procedure-duration, and the othe one , directed to analysis and cost estimatives of materials, medications, and used solutions. Findings showed the predominance of male patients ( 62%), mean age, 60.8 years, and mean ICU hospitalization time, 19.2 days; 76% of the patients presented acute renal insufficiency while 24% showed chronic renal insufficiency. Main reasons for ICU hospitalization were respiratory insufficiency ( 30%), reduced conscience level ( 18%), post-surgical referral (16%), and septic schock ( 12%). Median of procedures was of 1.9 per patient and 86% death occurrences. Mean procedure duration was 26.6 hours, ranging from 1 ( one) to 80 hours. Mean total expenditure was R$ 2.065,36, with varying amounts of R$ 733,65 to R$ 6.994,18. Direct nurses´wages was approximately R$ 592,04 which showed variations from R$22,50 to R$ 1.800,00, and represented 28.7% of total costs. Mean expenditures with material, medications, and solutions were R$1.473,32, varying from R$ 711,15 to R$ 5. 194,18, representing 71.3% of total costs. Cost variations were observed in the amount of times the equipment was set up and swithched off, number of system changes, number of capillary dialyzer changes, types of used solutions and anticoagulant administration. Viewing the described results, the high variability level involving those procedure costs could be observed.


hemodiálise haemodialysis costs unidade de terapia intensiva intensive care unit custos dos cuidados de saúde

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