Expansion and structure urban of Santos (SP): deterioration aspects, verticalization, urban intervention and the suburbanization / Expansão e estrutura urbana de Santos (SP): aspectos da periferização, da deterioração, da intervenção urbana, da verticalização e da sociabilidade




This research analyses the social and spacial modifications in Santos, resulted from its process of modernization and expansion since the end of the 19th century, and from this analysis, the research intends to identify important aspects which acknowledge the urban structure in Santos. It tries to comprehend the actions of the main subjects and the factors involved in it, as well as the land usage and the urban life on local basis, highlighting the deterioration aspects, verticalization, urban intervention and the suburbanization. We adopted an appropriate analysis applied to a wide period of the land history of Santos, within an intraurban scale, aiming to apprehend structural aspects, in other words, the formation of this space.


modernização sociologia urbana modernization verticalization santos (sp). expansão expansion estrutura urbana urban structure urban sociology verticalização santos (sp).

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