Execução de alimentos do direito de família: um estudo atualizado e sistematizado em vista das recentes reformas legislativas




The purpose of this study is to analyze the execution of alimony in Family Law, through an organized and current view of the institute. The co-existence of several law provisions which rule or affect the execution of alimony justifies the necessity of this study, to put in order the provisions in a way that all of them are made usefull to grant the execution being as effective as possible. Another justification is the arising, over the last years, of legal renovation, as well as the promulgation of new legal Statutes, making necessary a review of the concepts regarding the topic. Every hypothesis of the execution of alimony in Family Law is analyzed, investigating its singularities and controversies, always searching for a systematic coherency and for the effectiveness of the process. The method used is the doctrinal and jurisprudential research, constantly investigating the set of problems, using, when possible and relevant, data from judicial practice. Such method allows the study to reach its purpose, giving a current and systematic view of the execution on alimony


civil arrest alimentos provisionais lei maria da penha maria da penha law prisão civil alimentos provisórios old person statute credit expropriation expropriação de créditos cumprimento de sentença deed alimony processo de execução temporary alimony foreclosure estatuto do idoso direito processual civil alimentos (direito de familia) -- brasil idosos -- estatuto legal, leis, etc alimony pendent lite alimony for the pregnant alimony alimentos gravídicos compliment of sentence alimentos em escritura pública execucoes (direito) -- brasil

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