Evolution of the land use in portion of the occidental Amazon (Acre), with use of changes detention technique / Evolução do uso da terra em porção da Amazônia ocidental (Acre), com uso de técnicas de detecção de mudanças




The Brazilian Amazon has been objective of activities that are transforming extensive areas of humid tropical forest in areas destined to the agriculture and pastures, contributing to the alteration of the atmosphere and of the Amazon landscape. Starting from the decade of 60, the state of Acre, started to suffer great pressure through the migration and people s of other areas of the country establishment, resulting in environmental and socioeconomic problems of great proportions. By that diversity of situations, it became of fundamental importance the monitoring of form sequential of the use of the earth and of the vegetable covering, so that she can determine the evolution of the occupation of the area. This way, inside of the context of the project PPG 7 - FINEP 123/-00/99, of monitoring of the dynamics of landscapes of the Amazonian, the present work had for general objective, to analyze some techniques of digital processing of orbital images that could contribute in studies of dynamics of the vegetable covering and use of the soil. The Change Vector Analysis (CVA) was used as a technique of the change detection, and in compensation, the traditional technique of classification for areas Bhattacharyya, in that study of the dynamics of the use and of the covering of the earth of the area of Peixoto, state of Acre, being used multitemporal and multiespectral data of TM/Landsat, updated and consubstantiates with information collected in field work. The results demonstrated the efficiency of the classification algorithm in discriminating different objective types (such as forest, cultures, pastures and capoeiras), as well as the capacity of the technique Analysis for Change of Vector in stratifying different thematic types of modifications related to the use of the earth and the vegetable covering of the area.


land use deforestation land cover amazônia (região) acre (estado) cobertura da terra desflorestamento análise de vetor detecção de mudanças vector analysis uso da terra change detection amazon region

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