Evolucionismo e criacionismo : aspectos de uma polemica / Evolutionism and creationism : aspects of a polemic




This thesis analyzes the relation between the Neodarwinist scientific disclosure discourse and the conservative creationist discourse. The Neodarwinism, in this study, shows the contemporary thought of the several Biology tendencies that follow the model structured by Charles Darwin, in his work On the Origin of Species. The conservative creationism, also known as fundamentalist, has a literal interpretation of the Genesis text about the creation of the world. This work, which mainly analyzes publications from ?Veja? magazine that were published in the period from 1993 to 2002, has the neodarwinism as the reference discourse and is based on the French discourse analysis theory, specially on the concepts of inter-discourse, base semantics, inter-uncomprehension, controversy and discourse simulacrum proposed by Maingueneau. It is verified that the semantic foundations of the neodarwinist discourse are based on the following lexical unities: chance, nature, accident, primate, evolution and millions/billions of years/ages. The semantic foundations of the conservative creationism are built on the following lexical unities: project, God/Creator, purpose, Adam, creation and creation-days. The focus of the polemic among those discourses is centralized on the lexical item "chance" and its opposite "project". That is this way because if we admit that there is a "project", we have to admit there is a planner, and, if there is a planner and a project, there should be a purpose, once one thing presupposes the other. Thus, anchored on the role attributed to "chance", the evolutionism builds up its discourse and, simultaneously, denies the legitimacy of the antagonistic discourse, which is always evidenced through the discoursive simulacrum built by the inter-uncomprehension process. The neodarwinist discourse tries to build on itself a scientific ethos and, for that purpose, uses the concepts built by the semantic meanings: fact, proof, truth, certainty, rational. The scientists of this discoursive formation are highly regarded and described as renowned, dignified, serious, honest, science and truth defenders, etc. On the other hand, the reference discourse builds the discoursive simulacrum of its "Other" through lexical items such as: myth, legend, superstition, suggestion, meaningless explanation, apocryphal histories, bad religion and bad science. Those who belong to the antagonistic discourse formation are considered: insincere, superstitious, passionate religious men, science persecutors and promoters of "exasperated wars" where there are scientists who are in fact non-confessed theists. It is verified that, besides the scientific ethos, valued and assimilated by the co-enunciator allies, neodarwinism also builds for itself, even without intention, a polemic ethos, that is the one assimilated by the antagonists as an arrogant ethos. Thus, an instability is verified in the construction of the Neodarwinist ethos, that is either more serene, more scientific, or more combative, more polemical. This thesis incorporates the pathos concept to the discoursive perspective and analyzes the páthe that the neodarwinist speech raises in allied co-enunciators and in the antagonists. It also happens a consideration of the possible consequences of the raised páthe. The relation of inter-incomprehension and controversy among the protagonist discourses, which is highly marked by ideology, causes in each one of these discourses view to face its "Other" through the simulacrum built by itself


ethos pathos polemica análise do discurso evolucionismo polemic pathos - (retorica) ethos discourse analysis evolutionism

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